The Pipeline Trophy Board, A Phil Roberts and Gerry Lopez Collaboration
The Pipeline Trophy Board, A Phil Roberts and Gerry Lopez Collaboration
Tuesday February 17, 2015
Phil Roberts has been sculpting the most coveted trophy in surfing since 1996–the Pipe Master Trophy–a bronze casting of the original pipe master Gerry Lopez. However, it wasn’t until 2008 that the WSL (formally the ASP) decided to create a surfboard to go along with the bronze trophy as an added prize. The pipeline trophy board is a collaboration between Gerry Lopez and master painter and surf artist Phil Roberts, along with some of the best surf photographers in surfing since 2008. The boards are also the work of many other craftsmen. Phil points out, “ I like to emphasize the abilities of everyone who has put their specialties into the boards. I regard Gerry as an elegant sculptor, Jim Hodges for glassing to what I need, Keith Pickrell for the clear coat and polish ( works with Jed Noll ), Phil Whetstone vintage hot rod pin lines to April Slater’s faux marble work. My goal was to make these boards a Museum quality collectable work of art. I’m a perfectionist – I set high standards for myself”
The first board Gerry and Phil created they collaborated with legendary surf photographer Jeff Devine. The board was done in charcoal and was a little nerve racking for Phil in the beginning because there was little room for error. Phil said of the venture, “It took two shots of Jack Daniels to calm my nerves to start that board – Rick Rietveld was busting my balls the whole time ’Just paint it already! It’s a Gerry Lopez for Christ sake.’” Kelly Slater ended up winning the board and subsequently his 6th Pipe Masters as well.
Kelly Slater called the board the most prized possession in surfing, “Every year Phil Roberts makes an amazing trophy, that board that Gerry shapes it, they put a Jeff Divine photo on and Phil Roberts paints it up, and I mean, that thing is, in my assessment, is the prized possession in surfing. And you know not just to win that contest, but to have that piece of art, you know, it’s really like a piece of surf history.”
We recently had the privilege of interviewing Phil about the process of creating these one of kind boards.
How did you guys come up with the idea to create the Pipeline trophy board?
It came about while working with Graham Stapleberg at Billabong. I had finished the 2007-2008 contest poster campaign and had done a special portrait of Gerry Lopez for them and the concept for the 2008 board was born. Billabong had made a trophy board for 2007 with a print of my Pipe Masters poster on it and it was well received. Bede Durbidge won that one. It had a beautiful abalone shell inlay on the deck ( the board builder’s name escapes me ). Since 2008 and on I’ve been making them. Kelly Slater won the 2008 Black Gerry Lopez board and his kind praise set it as the trophy to have ( or to keep Kelly from having it ). The owners list is Kelly, Taj Burrow, Jeremey Flores, Keiren Perrow, Joel Parkinson, Kelly again and now Julian Wilson.
Have all the boards been the same 7’2” Pipeliner gun Gerry infamously rode at Pipe?
Yes 7’2” or 7’6” ( Gerry prefers to shape ) “ Pipeliner Gun”. I make sure you can see Gerry’s signature thru whatever treatment I do on the bottom. I go to the trouble of painting around his name – it’s important to a collector. I may have to stock up on shaped blanks from Gerry if he ever decides to stop shaping.
Kelly with the first Pipe Masters Trophy board he won in 2008. A 7’2” Pipeliner Gun shaped by Gerry Lopez and drawn in charcoal by Phil Roberts using a photo by Jeff Devine as reference.
How does the process in creating the trophy begin each year?
I usually come up with next years concept while I’m watching the Pipe Masters going on. I panic on how I’m going to top myself in the following year. I already have 2015 figured out and can’t wait to start experimenting to pull off the look I want. I enjoying pulling in materials and techniques from other industries like jewelry to Hot Rod Dragster paint jobs and even alternative materials in architecture to create something new fresh, original and very hard to duplicate. My goal is to inspire out of the box thinking and to keep the bar level of craftsmanship high. I respect the talent of board makers I’m competing with and I’d like to earn theirs. The many beautiful boards that are being made today are just awesome. I’ve been involved in making surfboards since I was 15 ( nearly 40 years now ) and I still love it. Oh I got off track, to answer your question I have a black drawing book full of design concepts, painting ideas, materials to try and inventions as far as aqua dynamics dating back to the ’80’s – it’s my ” brain trust go to”. I sketch ideas in it all the time, I’ve got more than enough ideas to last me years till I’m dead. Then it’s a matter of putting it all together once I have a shaped blank from Gerry and an image from Billabong or the WSL. The WSL lets me do what I want and so far they haven’t been disappointed. ( Though some day I am looking forward to passing the torch to another artist ).
You have used a variety of mediums including Acrylics and Airbrushing to paint the boards in the past. What other mediums have you used and what ones do you prefer?
I prefer oils with a resin drying medium ( to make it compatible with the clear coat ). I’ve been doing the double layer thing ( airbrush foam – detail paint hot coat ) since working on MTB surfboards as early as 1979. I was using gold leaf back then as well ( Shark bait boards ). The Black Gerry Lopez board was hand drawn charcoal on the foam deck, very sketchy ( pardon the pun ) ‘cause there’s no room for error – can’t erase foam ( it took two shots of Jack Daniels to calm my nerves to start that board – Rick Rietveld was busting my balls the whole time “ just paint it already!”It’s a Gerry Lopez for Christ sake ) . I’ve used pastels, Japanese rice papers, what ever it takes to get a new look. I’ve learned and use many illustration techniques that I work with in making movie posters that I love to carry over into surfing and I enjoy being inventive. I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve to try.
Description: 2013 Pipe Masters Trophy board was in part a tribute to the late Andy Irons and also won by Kelly Slater after winning his 7th Pipe Masters. The art was done by Phil Roberts from a photo taken by Brian Bielmann.
Shaper: Gerry Lopez
Art: Phil Roberts
Photographer: Brian Bielmann
Glasser: Jim Hodges (Ocean Works)
Description: Phil Roberts shows off the 2009 Pipe Trophy board won by 2009 Pipe Master Taj Burrow.
Shaper: Gerry Lopez
Artist: Phil Roberts
Photographer: Jeff Devine
Glasser: Jim Hodges ( Ocean Works)
Description: 2011 Pipeline Trophy board won by Kieren Perrow
Shaper: Gerry Lopez
Artist: Phil Roberts
Photographer: Brian Bielmann
Glasser: Jim Hodges ( Ocean Works)
Description: 2012 Pipeline Trophy Board won by Joel Parkinson
Shaper: Gerry Lopez
Artist: Phil Roberts
Photographer: Brian Bielmann
Glasser: Jim Hodges ( Ocean Works)
Description: 2014 Pipe Master trophy board won by Julian Wilson
Shaper: Gerry Lopez
Artist: Phil Roberts and April Slater (faux marble work)
Photographer: Kirstin Sholtz
Glasser: Jim Hodges ( Ocean Works)