Master Shaper Phil Myers on The Channel Bottom
Master Shaper Phil Myers on The Channel Bottom
Photos courtesy of Phil Myers
The channel bottom has deep roots in surfboard design and there is no one who shapes them better than Phil Myers of Free Flight Surfboards. In the 70′s channel bottom designs took off mostly in Australia with guys like Alan Byrne, Mike Davis, Terry Fitzgerald, Erle Pedersen, Jim Pollard, Col Smith and of course Phil Myers. Today Phil heads Free Flight Surfboards and is still shaping some of the most incredible and mind bending channel bottom boards out of his shop in Ballina, Australia. We had the pleasure of asking him a few questions about his craft recently.
How did you get your start shaping surfboards?
I was working as a buffer and just started shaping my own boards in 76’
You are known for your channel bottom designs. What were some of the channel bottom models Free Flight and you are most well known for?
Col Smith Channel, the Hydro Channel and the Vent System
How does the number of channels in a board affect the way it rides?
The more channels the more the feeling is enhanced, Nick Carroll recently described it as like skiing at Jeffery’s Bay, just flying.
Can you tell us a little bit of history about the channel bottom surfboard and it’s place in Australian surf culture?
The channel bottom is as relevant now as it was in the 70’s it made those old single fins come to life as a new generation is now finding out, channels done correctly in modern designs can add extra spark to any type of board, the way I do them they will work in all conditions attached to the right board for the conditions I believe this time they are here to stay
How can people order your boards?
email phil@philmyerssurf.com or ring 0403230892 cheers
For more info on Phil Myers and Free Flight Surfboards see www.philmyerssurf.com