Gordon & Smith

Gordon & Smith

Gordon & Smith Surfboards

G&S Surfboards

Vintage Gordon Vintage Gordon and Smith Vintage G&S G&S Board

Shaper/Label: Gordon and Smith

Model: 1970 Magic

Size: 6’1”

Year: 1970

Description: “possibly a George Greenough Stage IV waveset fin,or it may be a Guidance fin system that dates the board to 1970.”


Shaper: Gordan & Smith

Description: Transitional Acid Splash G&S. Thanks to Dave for the submission!

Photos: J.C.

Shaper Label: Gordan and Smith

Year Shaped: 1960′s



Shaper: Gordan & Smith
Board Type: single fin
Dimensions: 6’8″ x 19 1/2″ x 2 1/2″

Size: 6’4”

Year: Early 70′s

Board Type: Single Fin