I had this board when I was a teen. When my husband went to Vietnam it got lost. I would love to get one like it back. I had many good memories. $9,500 is out of my reach. I was wondering if you would come down on the price?
I will let you know. Email me if you are still interested: surfboards@thesurfboardproject.com
Shawn Burke
Hello, what makes this board so expensive? I have the same board and wouldn’t have known it’s worth so much.
I’m looking to sell or trade mine.
Hi Shawn:
Based on one that sold at the Hawaiian Island Vintage Surf Auction I would say a fairer estimate would be $3000-$5000 if the board is in really good and pristine shape. I personally think boards like this are priceless and only worth what others are willing to pay.
Shawn Burke
Thanks for the reply. I’ll be putting mine on ebay so let me know if theres any interest here
WeaselsRipped My Flesh
I saw this surfboard for sale at Fedmart in San Diego back then for around 100 dollars the year stated it was made. They used to have a bunch of these ‘popouts’ for sale and I always wondered where they ended up. They didnt move off the racks very fast back then due to popout stigma.
(wish I would have had one and stuck it up in the rafters)