Dean Edwards Surfboards

Dean Edwards Surfboards

Dean Edwards Surfboards 

Updated August, 2016

Dean Edwards has over 30 years shaping experience is best known for his contribution to the rocket fish. He shaped out of Malibu from 1970 to 1978 and Santa Monica from 1978 to 1988. He has spent his most recent years shaping on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Dean Edwards

Dean Edwards in 1983 at Natural Progression Surfboards on Colorado Blvd, Santa Monica Photo: Vinc

Art Vince with his Natrural Progression SurfboardVinc with Monique Chevalier, Deans wife in Malibu, 1984

Photo: Dean Edwards

Dean Edwards Natural Progression Surfboards

Vinc with his Natural Progression Dean Edwards in 1984 Photo: Dean Edwards

Shaper: Dean Edwards

Year: 1992

Deminsions: 9’0” 2.5” x 22”

Model: Longboard

 Shaper: Dean Edwards

Dimensions: 5’4” 18. 5 x2 .25

Board Type: Fish